Fogarty International (NIH) Award, Building Capacity of Tobacco Cessation in India and Indonesia. 2007–2013. [PI] [$1,505,900].
Optimus Foundation (UBS Bank), Social Science Support for Buruli Ulcer Research in Benin, The Cameroon, and Ghana (Research Support), 20012-2015 [$100,000 per year].
Publications in progress
[Emery R. Eaves, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, Mark Nichter, Elizabeth Sutherland, and Sam Dworkin]. Managing Temporomandibular Dysfunctions: From works of illness to double binds.
[Elyse R. Park, Joanna Streck, Ilana Gareen, Mark Nichter, .Kelly Hyland, Hannah Pajolek,Jamie Ostroff, Nancy Rigotti]. How lung screening affects risk perceptions: a qualitative study among National Lung Screening Trial Participants.
[M. Nichter, S. Padmawati, N. Ng, and QTI Indonesia]. Using DOTS Providers as smoking cessation enablers for TB patients: Lessons from an Indonesian Pilot project. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
[Kim Kelly and Mark Nichter]. What can anthropology contribute to clinical trials.
[Megan Prescott and Mark Nichter]. Transnational nurse migration: future directions for anthropological research.
[Jennifer Thompson, Mark Nichter, and Cheryl Ritenbaugh]. Choosing bioidentical hormone therapy.
[Jennifer Jo Thompson and Mark Nichter]. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the US Health Insurance Reform Debate: An Anthropological Assessment Is Warranted.[Amy Dao and Mark Nichter]. Global Health insurance schemes and the politics of the possible.
[Tanja Ahlin and Mark Nichter]. Insured in India: Overview of the current health insurance landscape and setting the research agenda for anthropologists.