Recent Publications


Global Health:  Why Cultural Perceptions, Social Representations, and Biopolitics Matter.  University of Arizona Press.  Spring 2008 ( reprinted 3 times )


Selected Articles  (see CV for others)

[Megan Prescott and Mark Nichter].  Transnational nurse migration: future directions for anthropological research.  Social Science & Medicine.  Social Science & Medicine 107: 113–123, 2014.

[G.K. Mini, Mark Nichter, R.R. Nair, and K.R. Thankappan].  Confirmation of self-reported non-smoking status by salivary cotinine among diabetes patients in Kerala, India. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health.  Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health.  Available online 11 June 2014.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cegh.2014.05.003.

[Emery R. Eaves, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, Mark Nichter, Allison Hopkins, and Karen J. Sherman].  Modes of Hoping: Understanding hope and expectation in the context of a clinical trial of complementary and alternative medicine for chronic pain.  EXPLORE:  The Journal of Science and Healing 10(4): 225–232, 2014.

[Elyse R. Park, Joanna Streck, Ilana Gareen, Jamie Ostroff, .Kelly Hyland, Hannah Pajolek, Nancy Rigotti, Mark Nichter].  A qualitative of lung cancer risk perceptions and smoking beliefs among national lung screening trial participants.  Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(2): 166–173, 2014.

[Myra L. Muramoto, John R. Hall, Mark Nichter, Mimi Nichter, Mikel Aickin, Tim Connolly, Eva Matthews, Jean Campbell, and Harry Lando].  Activating lay health influencers to promote tobacco cessation.  American Journal of Health Behavior 38(3): 392–403, 2014.

[G.K. Mini, K.R. Thankappan, and Mark Nichter].  Does increased knowledge of risk and complication of smoking on diabetes affect quit rate?  Findings from a randomized controlled trial in Kerala, India.  Tobacco Use Insights 7: 27–30, 2014.

[Thankachi Yamini Ganesh Kumar, Thankappan R. Kavumpurath, and Mark Nichter]. Introducing a Fully Integrated Tobacco Curriculum & Tobacco Cessation Skills in Medical Colleges. Respiratory Medicine 107(Suppl 1): S18, 2013.

[K.R. Thankappan, T.R. Yamini, G.K. Mini, C. Arthur, P. Sairu, K. Leelamoni, M. Sani, B. Unnikrishnan, S.R. Basha, Mark Nichter for the Project Quit Tobacco International].  Assessing the readiness to integrate tobacco control in medical curriculum:  Experiences from five medical colleges in South India.  The National Medical Journal of India 26(1): 18–23, 2013.

Mark Nichter.  The Rise and Transformation of Evidence-Based Medicine.  In E. Liebow, V.R. Dominguez, P.N. Peregrine, T.L. McCarty, Mark Nichter, B. Nardi, and J. Leeman, On Evidence and the Public Interest.  American Anthropologist 115(4): 642–655, 2013.

Mark Nichter.  One man’s dream, another man’s cosmology.  Anthropology and Humanism 38(1): 1–18, 2013.

[K.R. Thankappan, G.K. Mini, M. Daivadanam, G. Vijayakumar, P.S. Sarma, and Mark Nichter].  PP034 Feasibility of disease centered smoking cessation among diabetes patients.  Respiratory Medicine, 107(Suppl. 1): S16, 2013.

[Kerstin M. Reishcmidt, Jenny Chong, and Mark Nichter].  Monitoring shifts in social relations among chronically ill Mexican Americans as a culturally sensitive indicator of depression.  Practicing Anthropology 35(3): 33–37, 2013.

[K.R. Thankappan, G.K. Mini, Meena Daivadanam, G. Vijayakumar, P.S. Sarma, and Mark Nichter].  Smoking Cessation among Diabetes Patients:  Results of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in Kerala, India.  BMC Public Health 13: 47, 2013.

[Kim Kelly and Mark Nichter].  The politics of local biology in transnational drug testing:  creating (bio)identities and reproducing (bio)nationalism through Japanese “Ethno-bridging” studies.  East Asian Science, Technology and Society:  An International Journal 6(3): 379–399, 2012.

[Priscilla Magrath and Mark Nichter].  Paying for performance and the social relations of health care provision:  an anthropological perspective.  Social Science & Medicine 75(10):1778–1785, 2012.

[K.G. Deepak, M. Daivadanam, A.S. Pradeepkumar, G.K. Mini, K.R. Thankappan, and Mark Nichter].  Smokeless tobacco use among patients with tuberculosis in Karnataka:  The need for cessation services.  National Medical Journal of India 25(3): 142–145, 2012.

Kim Kelly and Mark Nichter.  The politics of local biology in transnational drug testing:  creating (bio)identities and reproducing (bio)nationalism through Japanese “Ethno-bridging” studies.  East Asian Science, Technology and Society:  An International Journal 6(3): 379–399, 2012.

Priscilla Magrath and Mark Nichter]  Paying for performance and the social relations of health care provision:  an anthropological perspective.  Social Science & Medicine 75(10):1778–1785, 2012.

K.G. Deepak, M. Daivadanam, A.S. Pradeepkumar, G.K. Mini, K.R. Thankappan, and Mark Nichter.  Smokeless tobacco use among patients with tuberculosis in Karnataka:  The need for cessation services.  National Medical Journal of India 25(3): 142–145, 2012.

Mark Nichter.  Idioms of Distress Revisited.  Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 34(2): 401–416, 2010.


Articles in press

[Mark Nichter and Melanie Medeiros].  Critical anthropology for global health:  What can it contribute to critical health psychology.  Chapter in Critical Health Psychology, second ed.  Michael Murry, ed.  Palgrave.  In Press.

[Emery R. Eaves, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, Mark Nichter, Elizabeth Sutherland, and Sam Dworkin].  Works of Illness and Paradoxes Confronting TMD Patients.  Medical Anthropology Quarterly.  In Press.

[Jennifer Jo Thompson and Mark Nichter]. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the US Health Insurance Reform Debate: An Anthropological Assessment Is Warranted.  Medical Anthropology Quarterly.  In Press.

[K.R. Thankappan, G.K. Mini, Meenu Hariharan, G. Vijayakumar, P.S. Sarma, and Mark Nichter].  Smoking Cessation among Diabetes Patients in Kerala, India: One Year Follow-up Results from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.  Diabetes Care.  In Press.

[Amy Dao and Mark Nichter].  The Social Life of health Insurance in Low- to Middle-Income Countries:  An Anthropological Research Agenda.  Medical Anthropology Quarterly.  In Press.